

Classes, Day One

Let me just say I was surprised today. Though I probably shouldn't have been.

The majority of people in Computer Science year 3 are British white guys. All obviously geeky. In Vancouver, at least half the class was Asian, and a lot more of them were girls. I feel like I'm back at Bellevue College, but with a few more people.

That's the other thing: the number of students that are in CS year 3 is somewhere between 40 and 60. Not more than 75. At UBC, there were at least 100 in year 2, probably closer to twice that. And since you can't choose your courses that much in year 3, I think mostly everyone in my introductory class today will be in all of my other classes. It'll be interesting.

The five courses I'm taking this term are: Professional Software Development, Advanced Programming, Interactive Systems, Programming Languages, and Algorithmics. It's going to be an intense term, if not year. I also have a team project due at the end of the school year. Tomorrow my team has a meeting to decide on our project.

The nice thing is that this week is just an intro to Unix, and it's pretty much optional, so I don't have to go in every day if I don't want to. The notes are online, so I may just do the labs at home.

After that, every day from either 10am or 11am till 4pm, I have classes and labs, with maybe an hour or two break. Some of my friends have Fridays or Mondays off. Not fair...

Shopping didn't happen the other day, so no photos. Perhaps tomorrow if I don't go to my Unix labs.


Anonymous said...

At first i thought you were saying the people in your cs courses were 40-60 years old! LOL

paperbackdragon said...

lol, oops. Let's change that sentence, shall we?