

Summer Dreams

As of now I've completed four out of the nine exams I must take this spring. The other five are to be done over the next two weeks. I'm constantly between two minds. After a bit of studying (or more than a bit, depending on the subject) I start out feeling like I've done enough and I give up trying to soak up any more information on that topic. As soon as the exam draws near, the rest of my friends from class start worrying and telling everyone they're worried, and that shakes my confidence, and I waste days going over information that may or may not be on the exam, and usually doesn't sink in as well. Overall though, my exams are going alright, and that's all I can realistically hope for.

When I'm not thinking about exams, I'm either playing League of Legends (probably a bad idea to get into a new game while studying for exams, but it does help me unwind), being with my boyfriend or friends from class, or dreaming about reading and writing more often. I have two weeks after exams set aside to visit my mom, and while I'm there I plan to use that time--that sweet, wonderful time at the beginning of summer when there's nothing pressing to worry about--to read and write. I have The Girl Who Played with Fire to finish, I want to read another book by Neil Gaiman that I haven't read yet called Neverwhere, and I'd like to get the sequel to an amazing book I read recently by Patrick Rothfuss, called The Wise Man's Fear (the first one was The Name of the Wind). I likely won't get to read them all in those two weeks but I'll get them on my kindle, sit in the sun, and enjoy what I can.

The fact that the thought of writing is itching at me means it's really time to start another revision of my book. Even thinking about my manuscript gets me excited. Its potential both astounds and frightens me. I could be completely shot down by agent after editor after publisher, but I'm still prepared to try my best to get it out there. So, it will be a summer project of mine. On days of my internship that I have off, I'll go to coffee shops perhaps, like I did last summer. Or maybe after work. Or perhaps I'll just write at home. Regardless, I want to give it a second revision. Maybe then it'll feel finished enough to start networking, finding agents, editors, publishers, and make my dreams for it a reality. It'll get torn apart, I know, but I'm prepared for that. It could be many years before a publisher even looks at it. But I have a dream that I want to make reality, and I'm going to do my best to make it so.

1 comment:

Rev. Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund said...

You go, Girl/Woman! What you dream, you can do ;)