

Halfway Done

All I can really think about is how tired I am of exams.

I've done five out of nine now. I had one this morning at 9:30am that lasted for two hours (most of them are one and a half) and I've got another one again, tomorrow at 9:30am. At least it's not two hours. I wish I could console myself by saying the hardest ones are over, but it's not true. All three of the exams I have next week are tough, and there's one in particular I want to make sure to do well in. Two of them I haven't really studied for yet. It's going to be a tough week.

It's interesting how some exams are easier to study for than others. Some, like today's exam, are so formulaic over the years that if you do the past exams as practice and read a few slides as supplementary studying, you're fine. In other exams, there is so much material that the course covers that it's completely different every year, and studying past exams won't necessarily help you, content-wise. Those are the ones I stress about most, when it's impossible to remember everything, especially when you've been studying for the past month and are all burnt out before exams are even over.

Good thing is, there's just less than nine days left of all this...

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