

Almost Home

I'm eating a sandwich for dinner, because someone ate my leftover spaghetti and I'm almost out of food. I'm fairly cold even though they are keeping the radiators on for three more hours each day.

I can't wait to get home.

All my lectures are over, but I'll have to go to campus a couple more times in the next week. Tomorrow, my team has our instant messenger project presentation (just about our progress, since it's a year-long project). But after that, and after another team meeting to sort out what we'll do over the break, I'm all done.

My flight is very early Saturday morning, so it's less than a week now. I'm wondering if, when I get home, I'll go back to my old routines and these past few months will seem like a dream, like it never really happened. I'm so far from what I'm used to that it might seem that way... except that I'll feel different. I've definitely changed somehow.

I also won't have my own room anymore. Mom's renting out our house, and is staying with a friend. Dad's place isn't big enough for me to truly have my own space. I guess that's what happens when you get older, eh? Gotta make my own "home" somewhere. But I'm learning more and more these days that home is not a room, not even a city. It's people. And it can change.

I'm sure soon enough I'll be missing Scotland and university and friends back here, but right now I'm missing Rainier, and Japanese food, and a Christmas tree. And family.
Photo: Nearby park in the snow. It's starting to melt now. Hopefully this isn't the only snow I'll see until I come back...

1 comment:

Rev. Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund said...

Sorry to hear that your food's getting eaten by gremlins :)