


As of last night, I have completed all of my coursework. Another step closer to being finished with my degree. There are still two weeks of lectures left, and three weeks to finish my dissertation. For that, I have at least 30 more pages to go, plus a presentation to prepare. It's a lot easier to bear without extra work on top of that.

I'm so ready to have time to do whatever I want: read, play video games, assemble a new computer, cross-stitch... so ready, in fact, that I will probably make time to do some of these things during my exam-study-break. While still studying plenty, of course. I'll have to plan my time wisely, with nine exams to prepare for.

I'm also considering participating in Blog Every Day April (BEDA) this year. It will be easier since I won't be going to classes, but I will be studying. We'll see if I can manage it.

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