

A Story Of Mine

So, today I was reading Anansi Boys, the sequel to American Gods, by Neil Gaiman, and his amazing writing got me inspired to try something new. It's going to be a new blog, entitled "The Story of Elizabeth Muir, and Other Sudden Inspirations." I want an outlet for stories and maybe even poems that aren't related to my big novel project. I have a desire to write new things, and I haven't been doing that, since I'm editing my novel. The first major story I want to write for this new blog will be in multiple installments, the number of which I don't know yet, since the whole story isn't planned out. I'll just go post by post, and see what happens. Here is the link for my new blog. I may post every day for a while, or once a month, I don't really know. It's just an experiment. But I highly encourage you to check it out, and give me feedback (perhaps in comments)! I have links to it also on the left side of the page, and you can see there when I post new segments of the story. It's the one way you can read stuff I've written, since my novel isn't really going to be available for that until it's published. One day.

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