

Summer's Beginning

It's strange to be at home. At first it was rather easy to slip into my usual "vacation at home" mode, but by now, I'm really feeling how I'm not going back to school anytime soon. And not back to UBC at all. I miss everyone. I miss watching movies and TV shows together and reacting with everyone in the room. It's one thing to watch alone and discuss things online, and completely another to watch when you're all in the same room. I miss going down the hall to knock on someone's door when I feel lonely, or just bored. I miss eating dinner with everyone every night. Heck, I miss hearing noise down the hall. My house is so quiet.

I'm slowly starting to work on my novel again, after a week or so of losing myself in TV shows (Buffy the Vampire Slayer anyone?). I've decided I have to start making some kind of short-term writing goal for each day or at least each week. It's trickier and more difficult, now that I can't just write 500 words of whatever and be done for the day. I have to be careful now. And I can't let all my self-discipline from going to classes escape me, or I won't get anything done!

Still working on getting a job, too. Hopefully that will come soon. If not, maybe I'll go back to making websites for people...

Crazy. It's not even June yet, and it's summer for me.

Photo: Flowers by my house. Took it a few years ago. Still need to take more current pictures...

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