

Author Envy

I was going to blog about volunteering for my local PAWS animal shelter, but this was on my mind... I follow Patrick Rothfuss' blog, though I've never read his debut fantasy fiction novel, The Name of the Wind. It's next on my pile of things to read. Today I read his blog entry that contained a link to a video interview of him at a London convention (I stopped after about 25 minutes, when they started giving out spoilers about his new book). I got a serious case of author envy. It took him 14 years to complete his first book, and a lot of that time was world-building, which honestly I haven't done a lot of. From how it looked in the interview, from the first time he set out to write his story, he knew the main character. He knew that all the books in the series was a telling of his main character's life story, and he really knew who Kvothe was. Me, I'm not so sure I know Rain very well, even though I've completed my first draft. How did that happen? Feeling overwhelmed now...

I know this is going to be a very long process, I just get impatient and a little too hard on myself. Why do I have to get inspired at 12:00 in the morning? Maybe my dreams will help me keep the inspiring thoughts...

Photo: I don't have one this time. Too tired to sort through old ones.

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