

50 Book Challenge

As I watch the sunrise at the Amsterdam airport during a long layover, I thought I'd share a bit about something I want to try. Consider it a New Year's resolution.

I heard about a challenge where you read one book a week for a year, called the 50 Book Challenge. You can start at any time of year, but I thought January was as good a time as any. I have a few books I've been meaning to read, but otherwise I want to use this opportunity to read more classics. Particularly since I can get many of them for free, as I was gifted a Kindle for Christmas.

Every time I blog each week, I'll share a bit about the book I read. I may not be able to keep up once this term gets into full swing, but we'll see how far I can get.


Book 1: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It surprised me at its readability, despite the fact it was written so long ago. Though I know the general story, I'd forgotten enough for it to feel new, and suspense kept me intrigued to the end. I'd also forgotten how fun it is to read a bit of horror now and then, and this book definitely falls in that category. It's a thought-provoking statement about human nature and the differences between good and evil.

It's a short book. I'm starting with short books, so I can get a bit ahead in my reading. I finished it in about three hours on my bus from Vancouver to Seattle. It was fun to be able to start and finish a story in one sitting.

Now, with all this time I have travelling today, I'll be able to finish the next one and maybe two books in my list, which will most likely be The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and The Phantom of the Opera.

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