


I do not like summer for the one thing most people associate it with.


If summer was not hot, but perhaps occasionally mild and sunny, I would be happy. Summer, to me, does not mean just warmer weather. It means a break from work, perhaps a vacation, time for things you don't otherwise have time for. And this summer, though it seems like it with my writing, I'm not working that much. I couldn't even really get a job. So I don't need this much heat, making me feel like I couldn't get anything done even if I wanted to.

Sun is good, I know. It keeps you from getting too depressed, and it occasionally makes your skin less pale, even if that means lobster-red instead. But it's not good when it's making you sweat and keeping you from going anywhere. And it's worse when you don't have anyone to fry in the sun with. So, if I'm going to spend my summers alone, especially when I want to get work done, I want it to be cooler.

It's another reason Scotland is the place for me to be, I suppose. Apparently their summers are cooler than Seattle's summers, which I bet is hard to believe for most people. Even for me, it is. But it's also appealing.

I've also been working--but not too much--on getting rid of stuff. It's necessary since, for all intents and purposes, I'm permanently moving out this September. One box I found was the one with all my Ty Beanie Babies. Remember those good ol' days? I found a dragon that I forgot I had, which I am definitely keeping, but otherwise I'm going to try to sell them at our garage sale next weekend (if you are interested in any, please let me know, and I can send you a list of the ones I have). It's sad to see them go, but all I can do with them at this point is put the box back in a closet somewhere, and they deserve to be loved.

I have four chapters left of my book to revise, and then I'll give it a once-over and call the second draft done. The more meticulous third draft is far off on the horizon.

Stay cool! If you're in the northern hemisphere, anyway.

CLICK HERE for the final installment of my Elizabeth Muir story and tell me what you think in the blog comments. Or, if you haven't read all the other parts, please do. It didn't end like I expected it to, but I suppose how it was meant to.

Photo: Scorch, the Ty Beanie Baby that I found in the box. I've decided I want to start collecting dragon things. I already have a good start, considering my necklace, poster, mini-statue, and grocery bag. Here is the poem in Scorch's tag, which I thought was incredibly cute:

A magical mystery with glowing wings
Made by wizards and other things
Known to breathe fire with lots of smoke
Scorch is really a friendly ol' bloke!

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