

Hamber Happenings

Today is my first midterm for my Discrete Mathematics class. Sort of like logic for computer scientists. I feel as ready as I'll ever be, and luckily it's open note and open book. Although, that probably means if you don't know the stuff in your notes already, you're screwed. It's probably a long exam. It's the only class I have today, thankfully! I'm getting over a cold, and today I just have a bit of a cough. I'll have to keep the cough drops going, or I'll be annoying people during the test. I've also been wondering how strict they are about cell phones (only for telling the time and receiving important texts AFTER the exam!) and other things like tissues and cough drops. We'll see.

Tomorrow, I'm going home for the weekend! It's Canadian Thanksgiving, so we get Monday off. I'm sad I can't be home for American Thanksgiving, though. But, this means I have a short time earlier in the year when I can see my friends and relatives. I plan to have a sleepover, hang with the folks, and possibly go swing dancing. It'll be different staying in a house, and not a dorm, for a few nights. I bet I'll feel more lonely! But it will be great to see everyone.

Photo: Last night we had a Hamber House movie night. District 9. Powerful movie, I must say.

1 comment:

Jeremy List said...

Discrete mathematics is wonderful. It's my favourite subject this semester.
I also loved District 9.