

Busy As A Bee

Overall, university life is treating me very well. I've never made this many friends in such a short period of time, and I'm thoroughly enjoying hanging out whenever, wherever. Last week and the week before, we watched the Lord of the Rings (extended edition, of course) over a series of evenings. Watching them with people other than my parents was great; we all understand what's going on, we love the series, so we all laugh and joke about different parts in the movies. I think, if someone listened in on our running commentary, they'd be laughing their pants off. Now, I have a group of people who like to watch movies, so we will be watching many more in the future!

Today I came upon my first big snag. My first university test. In calculus 3, no less! I thought I was prepared... but about halfway through the test, I realized I wasn't. I did my best to start working on all of the problems, but I left many unfinished. After a brief freak-out in my room, I talked with some people, got my mind on other things, and managed to de-stress. That's the other great thing about so many good friends around; you can talk to almost anyone and feel better.

Photo: Who hangs out in a bare, white-walled lounge? The Queen Bees certainly don't!

1 comment:

Jeremy List said...

Don't worry too much about it. In university the marks are almost always scaled up before contributing to your final grade.
I also really like the social aspect of university: in a couple of weeks I'll be attending my first LAN party (provided I find some way of transporting my computer)