


Ah, I feel ashamed It's been almost a month since I last posted. I've been doing one a week since September, when I did almost 20 in one month. It's true that I'm in a new relationship, which tends to make time disappear... but it's also true that it's crunch time with my courses, and I still have a couple weeks of this craziness left. Then a month of break, which will mostly be spent studying for my 9 exams that are worth quite a substantial amount of my grade. Oh, joy.

After that though, I think I'll get back into editing my novel. I'm not sure when the internship I hope to get will begin, but I'll definitely have more time for my hobbies. Two writing classes ago, it was my turn to be critiqued. I decided to submit the last half of my first chapter, which may or may not have been a good idea. I still don't like the very beginning, so that's partly why I skipped it, but my peers missed the introduction of my main character's personality a bit. I was aiming to get my writing itself critiqued I suppose, instead of the plot. That's what point my story is at anyway. In my next revision, I'll be focusing on details like that. I probably won't go over people's suggestions until I start my revising.

I've found that I miss blogging more often. It's a good way for me to keep up the practice of writing, apart from when I'm writing reports for class. Which isn't the same anyway. I hope I can find time to do this more often, and perhaps have pictures to include as well.

Also, don't be alarmed at the change of background. Thought it needed a new look.

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