

Returning To My Roots

My applications and inquiries into transferring to a Scottish school are now all pointing to one place: Glasgow. It's the only school so far that's accepted me as a 3rd year student--I do not want more than two more years to complete my undergraduate degree (and can't really pay for more than that anyway). I've also heard good things about its Computer Science program, and that the city itself is considered the "Silicon Valley" of Scotland. It's also not the most expensive school I applied to. Everything's working out so amazingly well that it's almost hard to believe. I'm finding that random things remind me of what's to come in the fall, which leads to me having mini-freak-outs. Good ones, of course. I have to be careful where I show my freaking out though, or I'll get funny looks...

I can't say in particular what draws me to Scotland. Perhaps the music, the landscape, the different culture. When I hear bagpipes or fiddles I turn into a puddle, and I cannot help smiling when I hear a Scottish or other British accent. I am also an eighth Scottish, of the clan Muir. Perhaps I'm returning to my roots. I just hope I'll be able to understand Glaswegian well enough before my classes start!

There's so much to do. I hope that I won't get to say "I'm bored" this summer. It'll be hard enough waiting for September. Along with all the things that go with moving to a new school half the world away, I still want to write the second draft of my novel (or get a good start on it) and hopefully get an internship, plus read all these books on my shelf that I haven't finished. Right now, I have end-of-term projects to finish up, as my classes are over in 3 days. Then the dreaded finals. But in less than 3 weeks, I'll be home.

Photo: The main building of the University of Glasgow, courtesy of the university's website. Don't worry, I'll be taking plenty of photos myself when I get there.

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