


Summer has come to Glasgow. Surprisingly, it's not just a day, but a week of blazing sun. I've been out to the park frequently, and so has everyone else. The place is packed like a beach, with people tanning, reading, kicking around footballs (soccer balls), getting ice cream from a van that must be making a fortune, and playing music whether the people around them enjoy it or not. I've enjoyed it, but since I got a bit of a burn a couple of days ago I've been avoiding direct sunlight. Today it's finally cloudy, but it's still quite warm. I wonder if we'll get much more heat like this over the next few months.

Now that I don't feel compelled to go outside and hang out with friends, I've started to think about what projects I might take on. I have a book that needs editing, several books that need reading, and Project Euler problems to continue. After two years of hard work at university, it seems I can't be satisfied playing video games and watching TV for very long. I've only been finished with exams for a week now, and I'm wanting to work on something.

I move flats in two weeks, and start work a few days later. I'm looking forward to it, but it's a bit scary thinking that from then on, I won't ever be off work except for one month a year, and if I'm ever unemployed. At least I'll have weekends and evenings to myself, guilt-free.

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