

Holiday Plans

The end of my work this term is in sight. I've only got one more report to write, due Thursday, and a few odds and ends to finish. Stress has been intense this term, and I'm not one to easily shrug it off. I still managed to have a good 21st birthday celebration last week, in the middle of everything (I won't really feel older until I got to America and realize I can go into--and drink in--bars). I've been eagerly awaiting Christmas break this term, as I have a lot to look forward to. It's finally (almost) here.

After I hand in my last assignment, I'll buy and play Skyrim, which I mentioned in my last post. I'll be reading The Wise Man's Fear and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest. I'll also be working on my writing a little; I've been thinking about moving all of my novel editing to my computer (which involves copying all my already written edits), so I don't have to carry around the entire printed version. It was a nice idea while it lasted.

And, in two weeks, I'll be going to Seattle for three weeks with my boyfriend. It'll be great fun to be a tourist again, and show him America for the first time. I'll probably end up posting about our adventures in the next month or two. I'm looking forward to baking cookies, going shopping, being with family... of course, working on my yearlong Computing Science project at the same time, and studying a little, but at least it'll be more leisurely.

I'm enjoying the cold blustery weather as winter sets in, and I'm still waiting for snow! Perhaps it's almost time for another blog background change, to suit the season change...

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