

Ada Lovelace Day

Today is Ada Lovelace Day, when we celebrate the first ever computer programmer, Ada Lovelace, and blog about our favorite woman in technology (Pledge to blog here! Even though it's a little late).

A few months ago, I read an article on Yoky Matsuoka, a professor at the University of Washington. She's working on creating prosthetic hands and other devices that take commands directly from the brain. But she's not only doing that. She started a nonprofit company, the "YokyWorks Foundation", wrote books--one that encourages girls to go into math and science--and is a mother of three. She has an amazing story, and it moved me greatly.

I also have to add my admiration for Felicia Day, who is in a hilarious webseries about a group of gamers called The Guild. Look it up on youtube! I love that she is a successful woman in a field previously dominated by men, and still finds time to love video games.

I would have written a more lengthy, well-written blog but time got away from me today...

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